What you put into your mind

What you put into your mind through your eyes and your ears (radio, television, newspapers, books, conversations, and so on) has an amazing impact on your well-being. ---

Results showed that our immune system is directly impacted by what we see. For example, when a control group was asked to view one hour of the movie The Omen, researchers discovered that the viewer's immune systems were suppressed for thirty days! It seems that what we hear and feel may also affect our immune system. For example, consider the relationships in your life. Are there people in your life who constantly say things that drain your energy or make you angry? Did you know that these feelings might actually weaken your immune system? Likewise, if there are people who make you feel loved, these feelings might help strengthen your immune system. ---

Do your body, mind and soul a favor and replace the negative television programs, radio shows, or conversations that bring you down with something uplifting and positive.

~ Cheryl Richardson, i Life Makeovers

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