When people come to me with a problem, I don't care what it is - poor health, lack of money, unfulfilling relationships, or stifled creativity - there is only one thing I ever work on, and that is LOVING THE SELF.
I find that when we really love and accept and APPROVE OF OURSELVES EXACTLY AS WE ARE, then everything in life works. It's as if little miracles are everywhere. Our health improves, we attract more money, our relationships become much more fulfilling, and we begin to express ourselves in creatively fulfilling ways. All this seems to happen without our even trying.
Loving and approving of yourself, creating a space of safety, trusting and deserving and accepting, will create organization in your mind, create more loving relationships in your life, attract a new job and a new and better place to live, and even enable your body weight to normalize. People who love themselves and their bodies neither abuse themselves nor others.
Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every areas of our lives.
Loving the self, to me, begins with never ever criticizing ourselves for anything. Criticism locks us into the very pattern we are trying to change. Understanding and being gentle with ourselves helps us to move out of it. Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.
~ Louise L Hay, You can heal your life
Affirmationen i filmen kan användas på olika sätt:
du är älskad och accepterad precis som du är
jag är älskad och accepterad precis som jag är
jag älskar och accepterar mig själv precis som jag är
Prova dig fram och känn vilket som passar och påverkar mest. Säg det tyst inom dig 10 gånger varje morgon innan du går upp och 10 gånger varje kväll innan du somnar.